- October 13, 2022 by Dinamic Creates™#google play store, #play store, #google play, #pre-register, #ad removalPyramidal Break is now available to pre-register for on Google Play! Make sure to preregister before the end of the year so you are able to get the game without advertisements! After that, in-game ad... Continue reading
- February 16, 2021 by Dinamic Creates™#demo, #browser, #bug fix, #prevention, #freeze, #placeholderNew web browser demo! The demo has been updated to represent the current state of the Android testing App (the game being almost complete). This means the characters are, for now, represented as body... Continue reading
- February 03, 2021 by Dinamic Creates™#release, #android version, #prototype, #beta testing, #testing, #early accessPyramidal Break's final version is coming relatively soon, but there are still some things to finish: + New artwork for all the characters. + New art for the game appearance of every character. + Impr... Continue reading
- November 09, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™#pyramidal break, #free, #now free, #going free, #multiplayer, #local multiplayer, #update, #skeletal animation, #2d, #animation, #androidGet Pyramidal Break for FREE! From now on, you can download Pyramidal Break v1.4.0 for free! Since the new version that is coming this December will be so much different, we are giving away the curre... Continue reading
- September 30, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™#pyramidal break, #indie dev, #indie game development, #android, #original soundtrack, #languages, #new character, #sacrifice, #ui, #ピラミダル・ブレーク, #Español, #日本語, #Spanish, #JapaneseThe update is getting closer! About posting devlogs We haven't posted a devlog in months. It could seem like the game is not being worked on, but, actually, the fact is the opposite. There's a lot t... Continue reading
- June 19, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™#Pyramidal Break, #Options, #Configuration, #Accessibility, #Changes, #Updates, #Keyboard, #Fast, #Slow, #Exponential, #Rhythm, #LayoutWe've been working on this big 1.5.0 update, and, even when we are still on it, we want to show you a little more about it. More about this update on these links: Android version gameplay New Characte... Continue reading
- June 13, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™#pyramidal break, #thoughts, #bundle, #fightingHello! I'm Pablo Lavín the designer and programmer for Pyramidal Break, and head of Dinamic Creates. Pyramidal Break has got an impressive amount of views, plays and downloads since my submission on... Continue reading
- May 17, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™#pyramidal break, #android, #android version, #mobile, #smartphone, #versus, #multiplayer, #local multiplayer, #unity, #fighting, #two players, #dinamic createsTake a look at Pyramidal Break's gameplay on Android! Press the colored panel whenever it shows up! As you can see, it will change its position, just like how the keys change on the PC version! Maybe... Continue reading
- April 24, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™#birthday, #present, #sale, #reverse sale, #pablo lavín, #dinamic creates,, #support, #thanksCelebration! Today is Dinamic Creates' founder's birthday! Pablo Lavín is turning 22! ... Yup, that's me! This project means too much for me and I'll like to thank you all for following Dinamic... Continue reading
- April 10, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™1#new character, #update, #pyramidal break, #stage, #design, #battle, #fighting, #pyramidWe've been working not only on Soccer Battle Royale's new version during the quarantine, but also in Pyramidal Break's next art! This gives us a result of progress on Qapaq's stage and the next playa... Continue reading
- March 20, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™1#Pyramidal Break, #Nival, #Oi-Luk, #Qapaq, #Sacrifice, #Single Player, #New Mode, #Android, #PC, #Unity, #Dinamic Creates, #Survival, #Gauntlet, #Fighting, #BossPyramidal Break's single-player mode development has started! Pick a character and take on all of the others on a survival-style fight series at your home stage! The gods demand a Sacrifice. You mus... Continue reading
- February 19, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™1#Pyramidal Break, #Android, #Port, #Changes, #Gameplay, #Nival, #Oi-Luk, #Qapaq, #Dinamic CreatesWe've been thinking if Pyramidal Break could work on Android in some way, and we're proud to confirm that we've found out how! (Video footage does not represent the final product) As you can see, the... Continue reading
- January 22, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™#pyramidal break, #pablothedinamic, #dinamic creates, #nival, #oi-luk, #qapaq, #keyboard break, #keyboard, #educative, #update, #español, #new, #androidv1.4.0 is available! A little update to complete the 1.4.0 version. Featuring: Touch / Click support for menus UI improvements Stage selector Other minor changes Next time we will jump right into v... Continue reading
- January 08, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™#pyramidal break, #dinamic creates, #font usage, #sfx, #voices, #music, #stage, #remake, #narrator, #UIAn unannounced version has been released. v1.3.5 includes: A new design for the first stage ever made to the game. It looks way better now. Scream when a character is thrown out of the platform. A nar... Continue reading
- January 03, 2020 by Dinamic Creates™#Pyramidal Break, #Free, #Browser, #HTML, #Battle, #Fighting, #DemoGet started and try it out! Now you can play Pyramidal Break v1.3.0 on your browser! You are able to play infinite demo bouts between NIVAL and OI-LUK for free. This is something I wanted to do since... Continue reading
- December 29, 2019 by Dinamic Creates™#Qapaq, #Dinamic Creates, #Pyramidal Break, #v1.3.0v1.3.0 is now available! Changelog v1.3.0 Qapaq, the inca warrior has been added to the character roster! The egyptian stage has been added! At the moment, stages are chosen randomly and can't be sele... Continue reading
- December 25, 2019 by Dinamic Creates™#qapaq, #pyramidal break, #dinamic creates, #dinamiccreates, #pablo lavin, #Pablo Lavín, #Egyptian, #Incan, #CultureQapaq and the egyptian stage are getting closer! We are almost there! December 30th is the date when Qapaq becomes playable! It's been a long way and I hope to get the development a little bit faster,... Continue reading
- December 01, 2019 by Dinamic Creates™#new stage, #pyramidal break, #qapaq, #dinamic creates, #dinamic, #pablo lavínA new stage has been added! Even if the v1.3.0 update is still on the oven, we'll like to share the progress so far. As you can see in the pictures, the egyptian stage is already implemented. Here is... Continue reading
- August 28, 2019 by Dinamic Creates™#Update, #LoadingNot a big difference yet, this update was made to provide a loading screen... Continue reading
- August 19, 2019 by Dinamic Creates™#Pyramidal Break, #Update, #Nival, #Oi-Luk, #DinamicCreates, #Dinamic CreatesThis is what you can expect to come in future updates of Pyramidal Break. On the next update Characters Qapaq from the inca empire. Music and SFX Narrator. Qapaq's voices. Options Spanish Share full k... Continue reading